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The following are various articles and resources that highlight CPrV© in action.

Articles & Publications

Community Safety & Violence Prevention in Buncombe County

As June wraps up, Justice Services is proud to release the Community Safety & Violence Prevention Plan & Report for 2020-2023. From the report: Safety. Community cohesion. Health. Collective efficacy. Accountability. Healing. Equity. These are the guiding principles behind Buncombe County's collaborative efforts to address violence and its disproportionate impact on historically oppressed communities. -Buncombe County article, Jun 27, 2024

These efforts center around CPrV©.

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Graduating Class of CHW-VPPs in Buncombe County

CPrV© is highlighted in a Buncombe County article about their first cohort of graduating Community Health Workers.

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CPrV© Strategy Spotlighted in Star News Article

A 2023 Symposium on CPrV© is the subject of a Wilmington Star News article (paywall).

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Sokoto House as a model of CPrV© Implementation

The Community-based Public health response to Violence (CPrV©) model and Sokoto House is the subject of a Wilmington Star News article (paywall).

CPrV© was developed by Abdul Hafeedh Bin Abdullah then piloted by Quality Life Blueprint in pertnership with community-based and community-focused organizations operating through Sokoto House.

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CPrV© in Action

CPrV© is currently being implemented in Wilmington, North Carolina's Cape Fear region (please see Cape Fear's Comprehensive Community Violence Prevention Strategy) and aims to demonstrate its scalability across multiple communities throughout America.

For more information on this comprehensive, community-based approach to violence prevention, please review the CCCVPS page on the Quality Life Blueprint site.


Literature Review

In June of 2022, a literature review was published for Community Health Worker Activities in Public Health Programs to Prevent Violence: Coding Roles and Scope. This study of CHW activities in violence prevention public health programs, and their core roles in public health programs to address multiple forms of violence, was co-authored by Abdul Hafeedh Bin Abdullah.

View the full lit review (PDF)

APHA Policy

APHA Policy 20227: A Strategy to Address Systemic Racism and Violence as Public Health Priorities: Training and Supporting Community Health Workers to Advance Equity and Violence Prevention

Principal authors include CHASM Founders/Directors Rumana Rabbani, CHW-VPP, MHA, PhD Student; and Abdul Hafeedh bin Abdullah, CHW-VPP; along with Dannie Ritchie, MPH, MD; Cynthia Williams, PhD; Keila Marlin, MPH; and Noelle Wiggins (Advisor), EdD, MSPH.

During the American Public Health Association (APHA) 150th anniversary conference on November 8, 2022, a new Community Health Worker (CHW) policy addressing equity and violence prevention was passed. Policy Number 20227: A Strategy to Address Racism and Violence as Public Health Priorities: Community Health Workers Advancing Equity & Violence Prevention, led by CHWs using a participatory process and supported by 30+ CHWs leaders/allies across the country. More than half of the authors and co-authors identify as CHWs.

Read the full press release (PDF).

View the full policy (PDF)

Insight Into the CHW Profession

Discovering Potential: A Glimpse of My Journey as a Community Health Worker [PDF] - Abdul Hafeedh Bin Abdullah

Popular Education

"It’s In My Veins" Exploring the Role of an Afrocentric, Popular Education-Based Training Program in the Empowerment of African American and African Community Health Workers in Oregon [PDF] - Arika Bridgeman-Bunyoli, MPH, BA; S. Renee Mitchell, MBA; Abdul Hafeedh Bin Abdullah, BA, CHW; Ty Schwoeffermann, BA; Toliver Phoenix, CHW, AA; Cat Goughnour, MSc, BA, CHW; Richard Hines-Norwood, BS, CHW, PWS; Noelle Wiggins, EdD, MSPH


CPrV© Training & Technical Assistance

North Carolina's Cape Fear Region:

Quality Life Blueprint (technical assistance & training)

Sokoto House (implementation site)

Grey Raven Media (technical assistance)


Community Healing through Activism & Strategic Mobilization (CHASM)

Other Implementation Sites:

Bumcombe County, NC



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